Dealer plates have several purposes. They are used to
test a vehicle following a repair or to deliver a vehicle to or from a
manufacturer, dealer, repairer or agent. Driving a vehicle from a
dealer's premises to a potential purchaser is also an important reason
to have dealer plate. Dealer plates come with color options available
in a fixed format, aluminum, and in a normal size.
Dealer plates may be used for transporting unlicensed vehicles on the
public highways. There's no restriction placed on how a dealer can use
dealer plates as long as the vehicle is owned by dealership. A dealer
can not put a dealer plate on a vehicle it is leasing or has sold.
However, a dealers plate can be placed on loaded vehicles if the dealer
has a loaded demonstration permit. Like any other plate, dealer plates
expire and there is no grace period after the expiration of the plate.
The expiration date is at midnight every June 30 or when a dealership
has their dealer license suspended or revoked. A lost or stolen dealer
plate may only be replaced after it has expired.